Some 562 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) have been released by the Bureau of Corrections for the month of June, bringing the total number of PDLs released to 14,657 as part of the “Bilis Laya” Program of the bureau from June 2022 to June 2024.
In his report to Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla, Bureau of Corrections Director General Gregorio Pio P. Catapang Jr. disclosed that of the 562 PDLs released for the month of June, 321 have served their maximum sentence, 121 have been acquitted, 98 have been paroled, 21 have been granted probation and one was granted executive clemency (conditional pardon).
Of the 14,657 released, 8,129 have expired maximum sentence, 3,592 were granted parole, 2,468 were acquitted, 356 probation, 52 granted executive clemency through commutation of sentence, 7 given executive clemency through conditional pardon, 35 were out on cash and bail bonds, 7 on habeas corpus and 21 due to other mode of released.
Meanwhile, Catapang said, BuCor continued its program to improve the quality of life of PDLs still incarcerated through the construction of new facilities and rehabilitation of prison and penal facilities nationwide.
Catapang cited the completion of new facilities in Davao Prison and Penal Farm (DPPF) which is already fully operational, the ongoing construction at Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm (IPPF) which is already 90.09 percent completed, and the various stages of construction in Leyte Regional Prison, Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm, Correctional Institution for Women in Mandaluyong City and San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm.
There are other prison facilities under both DPPF and IPPF that are still undergoing detailed engineering design.
Catapang also added that to further help alleviate the condition of PDLs, BuCor expanded the e-Dalaw systems geared towards reducing possible risks associated with in-person contact, such as smuggling of prohibited items.
This enables the PDL to connect with their families through video calls and chats especially for those whose families are unable to visit them.